Grand Opening Success

The club house and deck are now fully open and many members and guests enjoying the deck and good company.
The kitchen is open on Fridays for meals until the New Year and in 2025 we will have meals from our caterer Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Please support the caterer to make this feature of the club sustainable over the long term.
Great selection of pub meals, chips and entres.

Bayside’s hidden gem, the Black Rock Sports Club is located on Fern Street behind Tricks Reserve (on Bluff Rd) and borders the 15th tee of the Royal Melbourne Golf Club’s West Course.
Previously known until 2017 as the Black Rock Bowling & Tennis Club, the Black Rock Sports Club is home to sporting facilities which includes;
• 1 x bowling green
• 4 x en-tout-cas tennis courts and
• 4 x lawn tennis courts
The lawn courts make Black Rock Sports Club one of only a handful of clubs in Melbourne to have grass courts that are open to all members and for public hire.
The main clubhouse and bar is open for members and guests and hired out for private functions, comfortably seating up to 200 people.
Goodbye "Hello Club"
All members are now advised the Membership Payment Portal "Hello Club" is now closed and we now move to a new Point of Sale / Membership System.
All members, current or recently lapsed, will receive an email with a link to the new system to set up your account.
Follow the links and remember to always have your card at the club to get discounts at the bar, kitchen and other member events.
Bar Opening Hours
Reminder that the BRSC is FULLY Licenced and NO BYO.
Monday 5 - 7
Tuesday Closed
Weds 4 - 8
Thursday 4 - 8
Friday 4 - 10
Sat 4 -7
Tennis court updates
En tout cas Courts 1-4 have been repoend for members and guests.
Thank you to the members for their patience whilst the important work was being completed.
Many thanks go out to the volunteers who worked on the courts during the closures.
All members and guests are reminded of the need for "tennis" shoes on all courts.

Junior Tennis Camps & Adult Tennis Clinics
The Summer Clinics were a BIG SUCESS with the skill and enjoyment levels off the charts.
There are coaching spots available almost every day of the week for One on One coaching and Coaching in Groups / Clinics.
Contact Rob Leeds for all Coaching levels and abilities.

All Videos
What does BRSC Aspire too?
“To be the recreational venue of choice in Bayside that allows members and the community to participate, compete, and socialise in a welcoming and friendly environment.”
"To provide an inclusive environment and facilities that promote health and wellbeing through active participation in sporting and social activities.”
Aspiring to excellence in all that we do
Committed to prudent financial management to develop the club for the benefit of members and the community over the medium to long term
Striving to be an integral part of the local community, supportive of local sporting groups, schools and community programs
Always seeking to increase the value of membership benefits for members to retain existing and encourage new membership
Promoting a shared sense of membership responsibility for the club and contributing through volunteering
Create an inclusive environment that values everyone and encourages participation

Sandringham / Beaumaris
Contact Stephen Wigley
10 Bay Road Sandringham
0411 115 736

“Such a welcoming environment, I started
by filling in for the social comp on Tuesdays
and now I'm playing three times a week!”
- Peter B.
President – Brent Marcombe M: 0422 276 368 E:
Vice-President – Magda Koy M 0415913001
Treasurer – Alan Murnane M: 0419 004 401 E:
Secretary – Currently Vacant E:
Nathan Manning M 0476 293 998
John McLoughlin M 0418 708110
Don McKellar M 0428 177 392 (Bowls Representative)